Sunday, April 29, 2012


Officially done with the game. Ok, no, not really, there's always tweaks I can make, it's a never ending job but in all, It's complete. It's been a rough couple of months with a lot of work, but I managed my time well and even finished a bit earlier than I expected. In the end I had a lot of performance tweaking to do which had me research a bit about LOD's, removing meshes, deleting/adjusting particle effects, downsizing textures and including resolution settings in the game in case anyone wants to play it on their own PC. Also below is the 1-page design of the game:

Friday, April 27, 2012

Final Cinematic Screen

Screenshot of the game composed for the final cinematic and splash screen. Close to the finish-line with the game. Should have all game-play video by next week. I am also working on the one-page design of the game and documentation for cooking the game and putting it together for the final executable file.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Aztec Plataformer Gameplay pt.2

Guest appearance by Melanie Seiderman-Morillo's character model as the questgiver! Still working out some kinks and bugs but for the most part, the meat of the game is finished, currently working on the ending of the game, and the aprt I am working now is a part that is safely implemented through map loading, just in case i don't have time to finish.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

UDK Plataformer Gameplay pt.1 [WIP]

This is the platformer level I've been working on this semester. Everything is still work in progress.

The beginning section of the game doesn't have as many gameplay mechanics as the rest of the game does, so i will post the rest once i get further along in

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Boss Battle

The grand finale of my platformer will include a dramatic reveal of this ship. Yeah that's right, a spaceship lands in this Aztec world.