Friday, January 27, 2012

Quick Concept

Went to Dipsy today, but my laptop ran out of charge. I sketched this up in about 15-20 minutes. I think it has a lot of potential if i were to go back in and finish it. In retrospect, I think I've come a long way in digital painting, I've managed to pretty much understand all the steps to make my way to a decent painting.

These have been my findings: ALWAYS start off very loose, even scribble in abstract form at first to get a feel for the painting, then work composition, loosely throw in some light and value, move things around, flatten image, work your foreground, midground, background, go in with a color overlay getting reference from a good color palette, run out of ideas?: scribble or throw down a texture to paint over. Then once you get the main composition down, then maybe start rendering.

Working in three other major projects, so i needed a quick outlet in painting. Will update with some of my other projects over the weekend.

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